One of the firefighters working on the LeHardy fire in Yellowstone National Park on Sunday received some injuries from an encounter with a grizzly bear. According to the park:
A firefighter working on the fire received minor injuries when he was briefly roughed up by a frightened grizzly bear. The bear, acting instinctually, appeared to be trying to leave the fire area and the firefighter was unknowingly in its path. He was treated and released at the Yellowstone Clinic.
In other news about the fire on Sunday:
Firefighters on the LeHardy Fire made good progress in their efforts to create a wider fire line between the southern flank of the fire and Fishing Bridge.
Visitors could see large smoke plumes as crews conducted burn out operations to clear unburned fuels and optimize fire breaks. Cooler temperatures and slightly higher humidity aided in the progress.
Structure fire specialists arrived today to set up protection equipment in Fishing Bridge. The equipment will be kept on hand as a precautionary measure at both the sewage treatment area and in the retail areas.