Infrared imagery of Montecito's Tea fire

A screen grab from the Infrared Imagery

Robert, in a comment on our earlier thread, “Map of Tea Fire From Television”, said:

I just posted this morning’s thermal IR imagery-

Thanks Robert. For those not familiar with infrared imagery, it is not exactly a map, but is a plot of heat detected this morning by sensors on an aircraft. Trained infrared interpreters can take this imagery and draw the perimeter of the fire on a map.

The resolution of the “map” is not great but you can almost see where houses are in the Santa Barbara and Montecito areas.

Very cool. Thanks Robert.

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One thought on “Infrared imagery of Montecito's Tea fire”

  1. I would love to see some from the first night. I am assuming that the light areas are likely burned but out, but it would be great to know for sure.


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