The long-expected merger between cell phone companies Verizon and Alltel is now complete. As a condition of obtaining the approval of the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission, Verizon, who purchased Alltel, will be required to “divest” overlapping properties in 105 markets in 24 states.
Many of these markets are in western states that will affect wildland firefighters. Most of the properties to be divested, or to be sold (if you prefer English), are Alltel rather than the Verizon properties in the same areas. This means that many people with Alltel cell phone contracts will find themselves hooked up with another company.
States in the West with large areas that will be switched from Alltel to another company to be named later are:
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Montana
- New Mexico
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Wyoming
More information, including a county by county breakdown, is at the Verizon and Alltel sites.