Fire bunkers

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Today I ran across two references to fire resistant bunkers in which a family can take refuge while a wildfire burns outside.  So is that a trend, or a coincidence?

The first one was an underground prefabricated concrete structure available in Australia that looks much like the bomb shelters from the 1960s:

Flat Pack Fire Bunkers Pty Ltd

Here is the way it is described at the Flat Pack Fire Bunkers site where there is a cool animation showing some details.

Flat Pack Fire Bunkers Pty Ltd is proud to present the only concrete fire bunker which can be assembled by yourself.     

Our Patent design provides the safest and most economical concrete bunker on the market.

A major benefit is delivery via a Flat Pack which allows accessable site access and in turn keeps the costs down.

Our bunker has been specifically designed and engineered in accordance with current Australian Standards to perform as a safety capsule for you and your family during a fire.

It is designed to keep the fire out.

The second one is a fire resistant room attached to a stucco house.  The room has concrete walls 9-inches thick and a metal-clad 2-hour fire resistant door.  This video report on has the story.


So, do you have a fire bunker, or would you ride out a fire inside one?

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