We have a copy of the summary report, or “Green Sheet”, of the burnovers that occurred on the Jesusita fire on May 6 near Santa Barbara, California. The report is on our Documents page.
It is an amazing read, providing details and maps of the serious accident in which three firefighers were seriously burned, and five other “near miss” incidents.
Here is the Summary from the report:
On the afternoon of Wednesday, May 6, 2009, several engine companies assigned to structure protection on the Jesusita Fire, North of the City of Santa Barbara, experienced extreme fire behavior related to the surfacing of strong down slope (sundowner) winds typical of the area. This sudden increase in fire behavior resulted in the burn over of a Ventura County engine company, causing burns and smoke inhalation to the engine crew members, and major damage to the fire engine.
During this same fire behavior event, several other engine companies and overhead personnel were required to take refuge in structures and apparatus. This event resulted in significant damage to one Type One engine, minor damage to three Type One engines, destroyed two light duty vehicles, and minor injuries to fire personnel.
Thanks Dick