The ACORN Institute, a partner organization of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, this month received $997,402 from FEMA’s Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) grant program.
Here is a list of the top 19 recipients of FP&S grants for fiscal year 2008, the most current awards, listed in order of dollar amount.
FY 2008 FP&S awards. From:
ACORN also received a FP&S grant of $450,484 in FY 2007. That grant was for a pilot program to help low and moderate income families conduct in-home fire safety assessments.
According to the grant guidance, eligible applicants for the FP&S grants
“…include fire departments and national, regional, state, local, or community organizations that are recognized for their experience and expertise in fire prevention and safety programs and activities.”
As you can see from the list of the top recipients above, many, but not all of the organizations have a clear association with fire.
ACORN has become a radioactive organization as a result of numerous accusations and investigations, including tax evasion and giving business advice to someone posing as a prostitute.