The National Weather Service in the U.S. has launched a new “EXPERIMENTAL…EXPERIMENTAL…EXPERIMENTAL” (as they say) web site that contains a great deal of information related to fire weather. An example is above. You can click on the Google Map to get a large variety of information, including fire weather forecasts, activity planner, hourly graphs, spot forecasts, and other products. All of these items have previously been available, but as far as I know, not all in one place.
Here is an example of a map that shows the location of spot weather forecasts.
At the site, you can click on the icons and view the recent spot forecasts. You may have to click on the Calendar to see older forecasts.
Interestingly, the site was created because the server that was hosting an earlier version of the national fire weather site broke, and they are not going to replace it, so it is being hosted at this new web address. *Necessity is the mother of invention.
Thanks Dick
*Borrowed from Plato, in The Republic. Based on the line “Necessity, who is the mother of invention”. Plato was a Greek author & philosopher in Athens (427 BC – 347 BC) I wonder if his copyright has expired?
It looks like a good site.