The Department of Homeland Security’s National Response Framework designates the U. S. Forest Service as the “coordinator” and the “primary agency” for Emergency Support Function #4, which is Firefighting. When FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security get involved in an emergency, the purpose of ESF #4 is:
…provides Federal support for the detection and suppression of wildland, rural, and urban fires resulting from, or occurring coincidentally with, an incident requiring a coordinated Federal response for assistance.
We are hearing that the new Director of FEMA, William Craig Fugate, and the Department of Homeland Security are pushing for the U. S. Fire Administration to take over as the coordinator and primary agency for ESF #4. If this occurs, and it was discussed last week at a meeting in Emmitsburg, it would be a big change.
Leave it to Washington to take something that works pretty well, and try to re-do it. USFA does great work, but as Ken points out, it has never involved actual response. They’re a great resource for the fire service for training, info, data, etc, but are not an emergency response organization, and haven’t spent the last 100 years figuring out, and more-or-less perfecting, how to mobilize large numbers of resources across the country like USFS and the fed land management agencies have. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!!
The only way USFA could ever attempt to take over ESF-4 is if it took over the wildland fire program from the Forest Service.
USFA is not an emergency response or recovery organization… but thinking of that, if you listen to current FS upper level management, the FS fire program isn’t an emergency response program either.
Don’t mess with ESF-4… it’s one of the only things in the National Response Framework that worked in Hurricane Katrina and well whenever NRF mission assignments are given by FEMA or USAID-OFDA.