The National Interagency Coordination Center has released their assessment of the wildland fire potential outlook for April through July. If it is correct, it could be a pretty quiet first part of the fire season for most of the West.
(Note: the images above replaced one that was taken from the NICC site, where it said “issued the first business day of each month”, but it was for the first day of April, 2009, not 2010. Thanks to Ken for pointing out the error. NICC has since fixed the error.)
The National Parks Traveler has an article that assesses the wildfire potential for the National Parks for this summer.
Something’s out of whack with your map. Here is the April 1st map from NICC. See what I mean?
Thanks Ken. The document that was posted at NICC, inferring it was current, was from 2009.
I fixed it. Thanks.