These photos were taken today by the crew of Helicopter 57Z, the Redding Air Service ship that is working on a fire contract in Michigan. Shortly after the Meridian wildfire took off today east of Grayling, Michigan, they were assigned.
Earlier today we wrote more about this fire and another one in Michigan not too far from this one.
It looks like some extreme fire behavior, driven in part, at least, by the 14% relative humidity and moderately strong winds today.
.For more photos,

A big THANKS to the crew of H-57Z for these photos!
The photo below was taken by Michigan DNRE Fire Officer Randy McKenzie May 18 at the Meridian Boundary Fire in Crawford County.
I appreciate all the pics and updates. I have 2 cousins who have been evacuated and there is still a big threat to both of their houses.
thank you for the pics and updated info. it is appreciated.
Thank you Firemen and women. I love you all. Stay safe.
is this moving toward South Boardman?? I have property there.
The fire is immediately northeast of Roscommon, about 40 miles east of S. Boardman. so I don’t see any immediate danger there. My shop helper just got back from trying to visit her house, after being escorted by a DNR Officer and told to not come back, she was luck to find that the fire had burned the gate posts at the end of her driveway, but had NOT hurt her house.
I hope that the fire doesnt move any farther west because I have property with campers there.
Thank you for posting the pix, my niece is on the Mio Tri-Town Fire Dept. She was out the better part of yesterday tending the tankers. Tri-Town was called back in as the fire was no longer threatening Oscoda County. At around 19:30 05/18, I could see the smoke and the orange glow from the Intersection of CR-489 and CR-608 in Oscoda County, looking Southwest. Quite a dooming sight!