Did you know there is a “Brush Fire Department”? Neither did I until today. Brush, Colorado (map) and their fire department are located on Interstate 76 about 90 miles northeast of Denver.

From their web site:
The Brush Volunteer Fire and the Brush Rural Fire Departments serve approximately 5,500 people in the City and 1,200 in the Rural District. The total serviceable area is approximately 215 sq. miles, 8 miles of Interstate, and 36 miles of State highway. They respond to 250 – 280 calls per year, half of which are medical assists.
The Brush Volunteer Fire Department has a membership of 35. Five firefighters are State certified EMT’s; 2 are designated Firefighter II’s; and 7 are Firefighter I’s. Volunteers are required by the State to have 36 hours training per year but the average hours for Brush Firefighters is 53. Brush has 1 Chief, 1 Assistant, 1 Captain, and 2 Lieutenants.