During the International Association of Wildland Fire’s recent Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference in Spokane, Washington, Josh McDaniel from the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center conducted an interview with author and professor Dr. Steven J. Pyne. HERE is a link to the video at the LLC. Unfortunately the audio is terrible, because apparently there was no microphone used except for the one on the camera. And, I am no movie critic, but I kept hoping that the camera operator would zoom in on Dr. Pyne. It never happened–they kept the same shot on the screen for the entire 25-minute video.
We would embed the video here, but the in-house video hosting system that the LLC uses does not allow embedding. It’s too bad they don’t post the videos on YouTube. We commend the LLC for producing interviews with fire experts, but hope they improve their video producing skills.
Biography of Dr. Pyne: He is a Regents Professor in the School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University in Tempe and the author of more than a score of books, most of them on the history of humanity and fire. Among them, Year of the Fires: The story of the Great Fires of 1910. In a previous life, he was a member of the North Rim Longshots for 15 seasons at Grand Canyon National Park.