Aussies evaluate the Pack Test

As many wildland firefighters in the United States know, the Work Capacity Test, affectionately known as the Pack Test, requires carrying 45 pounds (20.4 kg) for three miles (4.83 km) in less than 45 minutes. Federal land management agencies and some fire departments require that firefighters pass the test each year in order to work on the fireline.

Some firefighting organizations in Australia have also been using it, so the Bushfire CRC decided to evaluate the test to determine its suitability for Australian bushfire conditions. Their report is HERE. To sum up their findings, very briefly, more research is needed. (An advantage of this approach is that it provides job security for researchers.)

One of the more interesting things in their report was this photo. Notice anything unusual… other than the choices of head apparel?

Aussie firefighters with pet

Thanks Dick

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.