Today we have updated maps of the Bastrop fire in Texas showing the actual perimeter that has been mapped by firefighters. The perimeter was created at 7:30 a.m. on September 7, 2011. If a newer version becomes available later today we will replace the maps above.
The Texas Forest Service provided this information about the fire:
BASTROP COUNTY COMPLEX, Bastrop County. 34,068 acres, 30 percent contained. Heavy airtankers, scoopers, helicopters, and SEATs assisted on this fire that started in the Lost Pines area just northeast of Bastrop. Most of the forward progress of the fire has stopped, but significant intense burning continues in the interior. An assessment team has confirmed 1,386 homes have been destroyed. Two civilians were found dead Tuesday as search crews went through the charred subdivisions. A Southern Area Type I Incident Management Team is assisting in managing the fire. A FEMA Management Assistance Grant was received.
On Wednesday a search team, Texas Task Force 1, began scouring the sites of the burned homes for additional victims. The team of 100 people has 12 dogs that are trained to find human remains.
Bastrop County has posted a list of “destroyed structures” in Bastrop and Paige. They emphasize that it is not a comprehensive list.
The weather continues to be much less extreme than the conditions caused by the tropical storm winds that pushed dozens of fires out of control over the weekend. On Thursday and Friday the temperature will be in the low 90s, with winds at 5-10 mph, but the relative humidity will be in the low teens. This is considered moderate wildfire burning conditions, but it has enabled firefighters to begin to control the Bastrop and other fires in Texas.
If you need a more detailed map, check out the ESRI web site.
I changed the hue of the two MODIS images of the fire extent so that the fire looks blue. If you contact me and let me know where to email them you’re welcome to use them for the colorblind folks.
Mr. Luecke was lucky indeed!
I’m south of Houston, on Galveston Bay, and just had to close up the windows because of the smoke. I found your site while snooping around to see if the winds had shifted or if another fire had started. This really is a terrific site.
A side note: I just discovered Mr. Luecke’s place on google a few days ago. The phrase “too close for comfort” comes to mind.
Politics of Fires
Well, this fire situation here in Texas has gotten interesting now with “Perry, Romney discussing Texas wildfires” ahead of the republicorps presidential wannbe festival.
The fires – which continue to burn – are generating huge interest on the net. One camp – perhaps the better informed – says the reason the feds on scene turned down local aid was that without training and integration into the teams was that without the training ahead of time, the volunteers could turn into more of a liability than asset.
OK, I might buy that. Except that a contract fire fighting outfit up in Montana sent me this:
All the Texas fires have been the same…’Federal Only. No Contractors’. You’ll see on the Bastrop fire they are ordering Type 2 water tenders, again Federal Only. We have 2 Type 1 tenders sitting here idle in Montana. They are 6,000 gallons and 5,600 gallons, can pump and draft simultaneously and can support helicopters. Type 2 Tenders are less than 4,000 gallons, usually much less. Of course we’re contractors, so no calls even with a national contract. What a shame available resources are left sitting while people and property are lost.
the state of texas can call up all the water tankers they want. the DC-10 sitting on the ground is from CA ,and irt is the only one! the state of CA has paid for that plane. the state of texas cane pay for a plane like that if they want, But they don’t want to.
this week end the 7 Millon $ paid up front before the fire too the super scooper and the sky crane paid off! We had a fire we had perpaired for it
and the fires in LA are out. often times we don’t hear about the fire becuse the super scopers are fast and they are there before the fireman! image the sight i saw when a small fire was atacted by two planes. with no houses losted? Or the knife fight that LACFD and LAFD had at night last year to save homes at night with firefighters moving all night. in the monring no homes lost.
we spent the 9/11 money on a new helocoppter the FIREHAWK …1000 Gal can fly day and night. image?
Now in Ca the low Taxes and low regs of your state take jobs from mine. the DC-10 has beemn paid for by the state of CA.
your sould br graetful.
your site is probably great, but I’m color blind like 20% of all males and can’t read your maps. use blue instead of red
Sorry, David, but I don’t have the option of changing the colors.
I am sure the ESRI maps are all in the red-green configuration but perhaps this one could be converted into a jpg and then photoshopped to be blue instead of red–perhaps there is a graphics wizard out there who can assist?? I lived in Bastrop County for 25 yrs–moved away last year, and I can only imagine the agony of the evacuees who don’t know what will await them when they return home. This website is one of the best sources of map information–thank you so much for posting them.
I am heartsick about the fires and know many folks who have lost everything. I’m afraid no matter how much water and retardant is dropped from above, these fires won’t truly end until there comes a good soaking rain. And who knows when that will be.
Here is another fire map that I found helpful. Maybe this will be more readable for the red-green colorblind. Note you can see where the fire licked the pasture south of the river. Presumably those areas are out cold. The biggest enemy is wind, the greatest hope is for a good soaking rain.
Thank you again for this site.
Great website, thanks for the updates & maps.
Actually, any form of color blindness only effects about 8% of males/ 5% for women.