Since the staffing at the Santa Maria air tanker base 55 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, California was eliminated on March 19, 2009, which downgraded the staff to call when needed, several fire chiefs in the area have been campaigning to reinstate the full time positions at the base. At that time two key tanker base positions — fixed-wing base manager and assistant fixed-wing base manager — were eliminated as part of a reorganization of the Los Padres National Forest staff.
Today Peggy Hernandez, the Forest Supervisor announced that the appropriate staff will be on hand at Santa Maria from October 21 through November 15 of this year, and during next year’s declared fire season, to reload air tankers if there is a fire in the area.
The call when needed status meant that if there was a nearby fire on which air tankers were used, the aircraft had to fly to Paso Robles to reload with fire retardant, which is 58 miles north of Santa Maria. Without a full time staff, it can take several hours or perhaps much longer to round up personnel qualified and available to run the base at Santa Maria, and then the mechanical systems have to be put back into service. [Corrected to say Paso Robles instead of Porterville for the alternate base.]
Summerland-Carpenteria Fire Chief Michael Mingee, who serves as President of the Association of Santa Barbara Fire Chiefs, welcomed the announcement.
“This has been a great example of government agencies at all levels working in cooperation for the betterment of public safety,” Chief Mingee said.
Wildfire Today has covered this issue previously:
Federal airtankers were re-loading out of Porterville and Fox rather than Paso Robles due to a base limitation.
Bill you might want to check your sources about them flying to Porterville for the reload. I know for a fact that for most fires they were using Paso Robles as the reload. Now Porterville was used as well as Fox but most of the time it was Paso.
Thanks Matt, I meant to say Paso Robles. I made the correction.
Not a problem Bill. Thanks for keeping all of us informed.
Hopefully the Bae 146 (Tanker 40) will be awarded an exclusive use contract for fire season 2012. What better place to “shake down” its capability than California, fuels,terrain and weather. Santa Maria!