Angeles National Forest: $40,000 worth of firefighting equipment stolen

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The Angeles National Forest in southern California was the victim of a burglary at their Texas Canyon Station earlier this week.

From the U.S. Forest Service:

Firefighting Equipment Stolen during Station Burglary

SAUGUS, Calif.—More than $40,000 worth of equipment was stolen from storage containers at the Forest Service Texas Canyon Station here early this week, including about 30 chain saws, four generators, an arc welder and a variety of hand tools.

Forest Service law enforcement officers and Santa Clarita Sheriff’s deputies discovered the theft early Tuesday (March 5) after responding to a burglary reported by firefighters at the station. Upon arrival, the officers discovered that the chain-link fence surrounding the facility had been cut and the containers holding firefighting and recreation-crew equipment had been broken into.

To date, no suspects have been identified and the investigation is ongoing.

If you have any information regarding the burglary, please contact Forest Service, Law Enforcement and Investigations at (626) 574-5356.


Thanks go out to Ken

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.