On Wednesday at noon firefighters from Hot Springs, South Dakota fought a vehicle fire inside a warehouse. They kept it from spreading into the vegetation and from what we could see from a distance they saved at least the primary shell of the warehouse. I doubt if the vehicle fared as well.
All photos were taken by Bill Gabbert.
Picture shows a firefighter wearing an airpack and no turnout gear. That has proven to be a disaster on many past fire scenes and training exercises. An example of what not to do!
Dave, while it may look like the person in the blue short-sleeve shirt has on breathing apparatus, he does not. It is the person behind him wearing it. As far as I could tell, everyone that went completely inside the structure had on BAs, except for the older man who acted like he had a connection with the structure and the contents.
Actually the airpack you see is on a firefighter that is in full gear and standing behind the other firefighter with no gear. Look a little harder before you talk next time!
Perfect. Thanks for the correction! I did not notice the difference at first.