The Powerhouse Fire is burning thousands of acres north of Los Angeles. On Saturday it burned up to and around the communities of Lake Elizabeth and Lake Hughes and Sunday it began transitioning from the mountains out into the Antelope Valley. The current estimate, as of 4 p.m. Sunday, is that the fire has burned about 25,000 acres and is 20 percent contained.
We are putting the most current and detailed information about the fire in our original article, which we update at least once or twice a day. There are also updated maps of the Powerhouse fire at that location.
In SoCal, fires “always go out” after a Type 1 Team takes over… most often because of the great suppression actions of the type 2 or type 3 organizations that were already in place… or there was a change in weather… or the fire ran out of areas to burn… or politics simply dictated there would be no Saturday or Sunday live helicopter streaming video.
In this fire, all of the three of the above happened (as did the fourth)…. and the Type 1 Team got to “assume command” and start de-mobing resources as they were still staffing up and the previous suppression actions were being successful.
Here’s a link to some very fine images from the Lake Hughes area, post Powerhouse Fire passage.
Those are amazing pictures.
Is this the same California governor that with the stroke of a pen eliminated the immediate need Cal Fire DC 10 contract and closed the Victorville AAB? As far as cause, all the nuts are out (arsonists). Suggestion, at least for this fire season bring back the DC 10 on an emergency immediate need contract for the State of California.
Smart idea, Johnny. Especially in light of the wildfire potential maps just posted this morning. There are two DC-10s, and there is still one left after the USFS put one of them on a 5-year exclusive use (immediate need) contract which began Saturday.
Dear Mr. Gabbert,
Do you know if the Governor of California has the power to declare a state of emergency and declare a moratorium on all open burning, campfires, fireworks, and other man-made fires until further notice? The entire State of California is a tinder-box just waiting for a match to drop.
I have corresponded with a Supervisor on the Board of Supervisors for Santa Barbara County requesting a ban on all fireworks in the county this season. There is a ban on county land but the cities have authority within city limits. Lompoc’s City Council lifted the long-standing ban on fireworks this year against the pleas of safety officials in the city and county, retired fire officials, and many from the public. The drought situation is dire this year with these huge fires generally not experienced until late summer. With the economic situation alone in California at the State, County, and local levels people should be demanding responsible leadership declaring a moratorium be put in effect this year. The enormous risk to our safety personnel, volunteers, and others assisting with the fires to-date, loss of life, homes, wildlife demands this action be taken.
I appreciate your most current and complete updates on these fires!
Kind regards,
Pam Wall