The map shows the large wildfires in Colorado that are still active and spreading, and the acres burned for each. The Papoose and West Fork fires have now been combined into the “West Fork Complex”. We have more information about the West Fork Complex and the East Peak Fire.
Map of Colorado wildfires, June 22, 2013

A friend and I are driving from Tucson to Denver via I-25 on Wednesday. Are there any fires along the way that might cause serious delays? Is I-25 okay all the way or should we consider re-routing our trip?
Thanks for your help!
Thank you for a map that shows me how close the fires are to my small 100 acre piece south of Moffat. i have left it natural for the last 20 years surrounding a bubbling well that created ponds for the wildlife and a haven hopefully for native animals. I will hope and pray the winds and fires will spare the small native refuge i have created for Colorado wildlife.
We are planning a family vacation July 7th-11th to Colorado Springs. We hope to take in the mountain views via the cog railway, rafting, and zip lining. Is the smoke affecting the views in this area? Will we be disappointed? Would we better to re-route our plans to the Estes Park area?
Thank you
I will be in Pagosa Springs next week, we will be going to Durango for the day, do you think the fires will be near us? Should we make other plans?? How close will we be to West Fork??
we are planning our honeymoon starting the 6th to Steamboat Springs and then taking 13 down to 70 and then the scenic route including the million dollar highway down to Durango and then four corners. Should I be making alternative plans? Thanks.
I would not worry much about the fires, and a lot could change over the next week or two. Who knows, maybe the monsoons will come in and knock the fires on their butts. The officials do a good job of evacuating and closing roads to keep people safe. As long as you are not camping in a remote, forested, rarely visited area you should be fine. About the worst that could happen as a regular tourist is you might be inconvenienced by closed roads or smoke. Check the regular state road condition reports to find out if any are closed by fires or construction.
we are planning a trip to Grand Lake will we be ok getting through
We planned a motorcycle trip around CO July 5 thru 15. We are riding our from PA. Would you advise us to wait until next year? Thanks for the website & your help.
There will be fire, smoke and closed roads in Colorado next year as well, Mr. Moses.
I’d do your trip this year. Sure, you might encounter some smoke, a closed road, or, if you’re lucky, a large fire camp. This is what life in the West includes in the summer months!
Make sure you get in to Yootaw as well!
We are flying to Denver for a wedding in Fort Collins. Should we be concerned about visiting points of interest throughout the state after the wedding? We are from the east where we don’t have fires of this strength.
Thank you.
Rosemary, I would not worry much about the fires. The officials do a good job of evacuating and closing roads to keep people safe. As long as you are not camping in a remote, forested, rarely visited area you should be fine. About the worst that could happen as a regular tourist is you might be inconvenienced by closed roads or smoke. Check the regular state road condition reports to find out if any are closed by fires or construction.
Thank you for an easy to read, comprehensive map. I’m so glad I found your site & will bookmark it so I can access it for updates.
Thanks for the great maps. My eldest son lives out there and seems to not be aware of what’s happening. The first day of the fire in RMNP he called me in upstate NY to find out where it was burning, as Ft Colins had a lot of smoke in the air. He keeps moving and I keep watching your maps to keep ahead of things. Was there for a bit until June 5..very very sad. Sue
You are welcome, Sue. It’s good that you can keep your son informed.
All these fires hopefully are started by nature. People have just got to learn how to keep fires from starting by their actions.
Great map, but ohh so sad! Thank you for this comprehensive look at the fire situation around the state. This has been the most helpful I’ve seen.
Thank you so much for showing me a comprehensive map of the fires currently burning in Colorado. The smoke is dense in Colorado Springs, but thankfully less so at home in the Tarryall Mountains. Your site is always full of information.
Thank you Susanna, and you are very welcome.