The map above shows the approximate location of the Rockport Fire that has burned at least 13 residences, approximately 20 outbuildings, several vehicles, and 2,000 acres near Rockport, about 8 miles northeast of Park City, Utah. The red squares indicate heat detected by a satellite, but the locations can be off by as much as a mile. The map indicates that the fire is burning through a populated area with homes on large lots.
It started Tuesday afternoon and slowed overnight and Wednesday morning but it was active enough at about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday that a scheduled press briefing had to be relocated from Wanshop (north of Rockport Lake) to the Summit County Justice Center in Park City due to “media and staff safety”.
Somewhat to the north of the Rockport fire, I saw what I think was a DC-10 and two other aircraft dropping on the Millville fire right at dusk.