Prescribed fire, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore near Ogden Dunes in northwest Indiana, NPS photo.Prescribed fire, Kaibab National Forest, Arizona, “Wrd Mccracken CP”, November 13, 2013 Inciweb photoTunnel Hill Prescribed fire, Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado, November 14, 2013. USFS photo.
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After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.
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3 thoughts on “Prescribed fire photos”
November 22, 1980, Panorama Fire, San Bernardino County. As mentioned several times on this site the week prior to Thanksgiving can be disastrous. Hopefully the wetting rains will make it to the South lands. The winds Mono/Santa Ana’s, are a sure thing.
We understand that the rain in the northwest part of California is causing some folks to say the fire season there, which has lasted longer than normal, is over.
November 22, 1980, Panorama Fire, San Bernardino County. As mentioned several times on this site the week prior to Thanksgiving can be disastrous. Hopefully the wetting rains will make it to the South lands. The winds Mono/Santa Ana’s, are a sure thing.
We understand that the rain in the northwest part of California is causing some folks to say the fire season there, which has lasted longer than normal, is over.
Fire porn….. Schwing!!!
Good job, light it up…..