This video provides a great deal of information about the use of prescribed fire in northern California. It is well done, with high production values.
The description on YouTube:
Catching Fire tells a compelling story of how a small but committed group of local, tribal, state and federal land managers are bringing back the use of prescribed fire as a tool to protect communities and ecosystems across Northern California. It examines the use of fire by the Karuk Tribe of California, and the connection between the rise of megafires across the West and the last century of fire suppression. Drawing on interviews with
fire scientists, tribal and federal land managers, and fire savvy residents from across the North State, this film provides insight on how our relationship to fire can be restored through strategic use of fire as a powerful management tool.Produced By: Will Harling and Jenny Staats, Orleans/Somes Bar Fire Safe Council,
Klamath-Salmon Media Collaborative
Narrration By: Peter Coyote
Music By: Rex RichardsonFunding Provided By: a USDA Forest Service National Fire Plan grant through the California Fire Safe Council
Additional Funding Provided By: The Watershed Center, The Fire Learning Network, The US Endowment for Forestry and Communities
Thanks and a hat tip go out to John.