National Geographic wants firefighters to send them photos taken at wildland fires. The images above are a brief sample of some that have been submitted. So far they have 268 photos.
Here is a copy of a blog entry at their website written by Mark Thiessen, a staff photographer for National Geographic.
“I’ve been shooting wildfires for nearly 20 years, and I’m always impressed by the photographs taken by firefighters. It usually goes something like this: “Hey Mark! You should have been here yesterday, check this out!” And they whip out their cameras and show me killer images that I wish I had shot. It never fails. Everyone says, “You should have been here yesterday!”
At Your Shot we want to give you, the firefighters, an opportunity to share your images far and wide. Upload your images to using the hashtag #Wildfire2014. (Those of you not in the fire community, you can still participate by engaging with the photos that come in by commenting and favoriting the images and sharing your own stories).
You are right in the middle of it and have the unique opportunity to show your friends and family what it’s like to be on the inside. Maybe it’s a dramatic burnout operation at night, a portrait of your soot-covered squad boss during mop up, or a Nomex (fire-resistant suit) so dirty it can stand up on its own.
The key to getting great fire pictures is being there for the next “yesterday.”
A few disclaimers:
DON’T BURN YOUR BUDDY: If you include firefighters in your pictures, make sure they’re wearing appropriate PPE for the situation.
STAY FOCUSED: Don’t let your desire for a great shot distract you from your firefighting duties.”
Maybe NatGeo would make a donation to the WFF for every pic sent in. And don’t forget FS employees that the FS owns any pics you take on a fire