Video of of the Carlton Complex of fires in Washington

Carlton Complex, Methow Fires. from BROTHERDOUG on Vimeo.

Doug Irvine describes this beautifully shot video:

I was recently in the Methow Valley on a personal project, documenting the Carlton Complex Fire. The Valley is my home and where the towns of Twisp, Winthrop, Carlton, and the like, are located. The night I drove in to begin filming the night skies of the Carlton Complex, the Rising Eagle Fire had just broken out. This particular fire was close to home, you might say. That’s the road my family named back in the 80’s. Rising Eagle Road is where I grew up;its my old back yard. That hill was my brother’s and my playground, a place of wonderment, motorbiking, guns, army, snowmobiles, camping, you name it… valley life. I crossed into the blackness, smoldering fires and ash about 4am to walk my old trails and see what had become of my old friend, the hill. I hope my documentation of the Carlton Complex and surrounding Methow fires inspires and moves you in some way. -Doug Irvine

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.