This satellite photo from mid-day on Thursday shows wildfires in northern Idaho and northwest Montana. The red dots represent heat detected by a satellite.
Smoke appears to be trapped in some drainages in Idaho, which was probably produced by the 8,500-acre Johnson Bar Fire and the 8,000-acre Selway Complex of fires. The fire across the state line near Thompson Falls, Montana, north of the smoky drainage in Idaho, is not showing up on the InciWeb maps.
Johnson Bar Fire:
Selway Complex:
We haven’t been updating the main page on Inciweb for the Johnson Bar fire, just pushing press releases. As of IR flight last night it was at 12,975 acres.
Maybe the press releases need to be released a bit broader…to those locations ‘down wind’ from the fires. Same could be said for the Selway Complex. The Bitterroot chokes half the summer and fall when there aren’t fires in western MT and it would be great to know why and from where.