In 2012 we wrote about an animated wind map at hint.fm which has lines that move in the direction of the wind, and the speed of the moving lines varies depending on the actual wind speed. Now another source, Windyty map, has developed a version that has additional features. If you zoom in, borders, cities, and weather stations appear. Overlays allow viewing of clouds, temperature, pressure and humidity. Surface winds are shown by default, but winds at altitude can also be displayed. A time slider allows the viewing of predicted conditions.
The hint.fm map seems to show the wind over land better than the the Windyty map, but it does not have the additional layers, or the predicted winds. These maps could be useful for wildland firefighters and pilots.
I have been watching this website since I saw it first here and while it looks like it will be very helpful in showing over all wind directions I am wondering how well it sows the local winds that are encountered in various area and very greatly affect fire behavior in local areas. Can anyone shed light on this
Another good site to add to my arsenal. Thanks!