On May 23 we posted a video interview with Byron Hart, the Assistant Fire Management Officer (Fuels) at Big Cypress National Preserve. It was shot at the Mud Lake Complex of fires in the south Florida Preserve by Joshua Manley, the Fire Communication and Education Specialist for the three National Park Service Regions on the East Coast. After receiving favorable reviews, Mr. Manley produced two more videos, below.
The first one features Oscar Montijo, Superintendent of the Augusta Interagency Hotshot Crew, in which he discusses strategic firing operations around private inholdings in front of a fire at the Mud Lake Complex within Big Cypress National Preserve.
The next is with Matt Heinz, a Forestry Technician at Big Cypress National Preserve. Mr. Heinz discusses the challenges of operating a swamp buggy on the Mud Lake Complex.
As we said on May 23, interviewing firefighters in the field and posting the videos on YouTube is a great idea. It can really give the viewers a glimpse into the life of a firefighter. Incident Management Teams should do this more often. Congrats to Joshua Manley for making these three videos.