Illustrating the severity of the wildfires and the shortage of firefighters in the northwest, for the first time ever the state of Washington is asking for volunteers to help suppress the 12 uncontained large fires currently burning in the state. Five of those fires are “complexes” that are comprised of many fires, sometimes more than 10.
At first the Department of Natural Resources was asking for anyone who could operate heavy equipment, such as a dozer or grader, who would then be given specific wildfire training. But now the DNR is only accepting volunteer applications from:
…from those with wildland firefighting qualifications, including an Incident Qualification Card (commonly called a Red Card), a “Blue Card,” or a letter of certification from a local or rural firefighting agency stating that you have met appropriate physical fitness, experience and training standards for serving on wildfire incidents.
Please complete our online intake form by listing your qualifications and contact information to volunteer with our temporary community resource coordination centers in Colville, Omak and Castle Rock.
The DNR has set up centers at three locations to talk to potential volunteers:
Omak: Jay Guthrie
Omak City Hall
2 Ash St. N
Phone 509-826-2546
Colville: Julie Sacket
Washington State Department of Transportation
Second Floor
440 N Hwy 395
Phone 509-675-7847
Castle Rock: Kellie Williams
601 Bond Rd.
Castle Rock, WA 98611
Phone 360-575-5024
A desperate plea… However also concerned for their well being. It’s bad enough being a trained experienced participant, but being a greenhorn could be disastrous
They’re not accepting greenhorns … of the dozens that first volunteered I think 2 were accepted – at least one was an experienced heavy equipment operator.
Are you gonna go help them? You’re certainly qualified❗️