Google Earth flyover of Washington complex fires

Kenji Kato has been posting daily Google Earth flyover updates on the Washington wildfires on his channel. It’s a long video but worth the trip — using data from the U.S. Forest Service, Kato’s video looks at fire perimeters, hot spots, evacuation zones and homes burned among the series of large fires in Washington.

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4 thoughts on “Google Earth flyover of Washington complex fires”

  1. Amazing video! This really puts things into prospective. Why don’t they do this for more fires? It’s the most informative map I’ve seen on the wildfires in Washington.

  2. Besides the loss of so many homes, which is horrific enough, the beautiful trees and Forests in Northern Washington will take decades to recover. God bless all the Fireman who have and still are giving there all to save so much and so many lives, animal life, and Forestry. Just saying “THANK YOU” doesn’t seem enough to the brave souls that are fighting this tragedy.


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