Smoke map and Red Flag Warnings, September 6, 2015

(Originally published at 9:13 a.m. MT, Sept. 6, 2015; updated with revised smoke map at noon, MT, Sept. 6, 2015)

Smoke map, Sept. 6, 2015
Smoke map, Sept. 6, 2015. AirNow. The round brown icons represent the locations of wildfires.

The National Weather Service has issued Red Flag Warnings or Fire Weather Watches for areas Wyoming.

Again today, the weather and vegetation are cooperating and confining their extreme conditions within state borders, simplifying the job of fire meteorologists.

Red Flag Warnings 9-6-2015
Red Flag Warnings 9-6-2015.

The Red Flag map was current as of 9 a.m. MDT on Sunday. Red Flag Warnings can change throughout the day as the National Weather Service offices around the country update and revise their forecasts and maps. For the most current data visit this NWS site or this NWS site.

To see the most current smoke reports on Wildfire Today, visit the articles tagged “smoke” at

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.