Wind pushing Green Mtn RX north, still in prescribed area. 600 ac. treated, more tomorrow.
— Shasta-Trinity NF (@ShastaTrinityNF) April 8, 2016
On Thursday, April 7th, the National Recreation Area Management Unit of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in northern California conducted a prescribed fire on Green Mountain, north of Redding near the confluence of the Squaw and Pit Arms of Shasta Lake.
When we read the tweet above we called to get more information. Andrea Crain of the Shasta-Trinity NF said they had a few small spot fires across the intended border of the unit they burned yesterday, but it was still within the project area. The largest spot fire was about a quarter acre.
Click on the pictures a couple of times to see larger versions.
(UPDATE at 6:43 p.m. MDT, April 8, 2016)
John Waldrop sent us this photo of the Green Mountain prescribed fire as seen from the Pit River Bridge on Lake Shasta.