Smoke from the fires in Alberta, primarily the 210,000-acre blaze near Fort McMurray, is affecting Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the north-central United States, and many areas in the eastern U.S.
The map above was generated by NOAA at 12:20 p.m. MDT today. The light-colored areas represent the presence of wildfire smoke. The NOAA map below is from 3:45 a.m. MDT May 5.
The next map is from WeatherUnderground:

To see the most current smoke reports, visit the articles tagged “smoke” at
we have smoke hazy sky in New Hampshire, but not really noticeable, but it is there.
Smokey haze here in Casper WY, for several days now.
Praying for the people affected more directly!
Smoke in Grand Island, Nebraska. Very noticeable.
here in eastern Nebraska my wife has seen ash fall with the heavy smoke. When the smoke did show up this morning it got ten degrees cooler…
smoke is thick in central MN–not just an upper atmosphere haze either; I can see the smoke
Smoke heavy in western Iowa this am
Haze in Omaha. You can feel the smoke.
Smell it, see it, yup, and breathe it’s!