Above: A satellite detected heat from fires (red dots) and smoke in the southeast United States, April 7, 2017.
While the rest of the United States has a reprieve from wildfire season, firefighters in the southeast and the southern plains have been busy in recent weeks with wildland fires and prescribed burns.
The photo above shows heat and smoke detected by a satellite on April 7, 2017. We added the arrows to indicate some of the larger smoke plumes.
There were at least a couple of large fires in Florida on Friday, but any large concentrations of smoke from those blazes may have occurred between satellite overflights.
Judging from the heat detected in Kansas there was a great deal of activity in the Flint Hills — much of it was probably controlled burning by landowners.
Paula everybody is burning ahead of the rains. You live in KS it happens every year.
I don’t know where the fire is, but I’m central kansas and I’ve smelled awful fires for two days now.
It smells terrible! I’m trying to find out where the Smoke is coming from, the wind is out of the south west.
More information about the smoke.
Some many prescribed burns in Eastern Kansas yesterday the sun was covered in a smoky haze. Finally a break in the rain and wind and folks took advantage of it.