Above: The Indian Tunnel at Craters of the Moon National Monument. NPS photo.
The Trump administration has narrowed the list of National Monuments being considered for elimination or downsizing to 26 — 22 land areas and 4 marine environments. You would have to assume that they actually want to eliminate them or they would not have put them on the list. But the administration is going through the motions of accepting input from the public before action is taken.
Comments may be submitted online after May 12 at http://www.regulations.gov by entering “DOI-2017-0002” in the Search bar and clicking “Search,” or by mail to Monument Review, MS-1530, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240.
DATES: The Department will shortly publish a notice in the Federal Register officially opening the public comment period. Written comments relating to the Bears Ears National Monument must be submitted within 15 days of publication of that notice. Written comments relating to all other designations subject to Executive Order 13792 must be submitted within 60 days of that date.
It is a shame that parks and protected areas are such a contentious issue in the United States. It is a long process to protect these places, but a stroke of a pen can take them out. As a Canadian, I did not realize how bad the situation was until I watched the Ken Burns documentary The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. I googled “hatred of national parks usa”; the first 2 articles were America’s Worst National Parks by Fox News, and The GOP’s Love-Hate Relationship with National Parks Is Now Mostly Hate. Sounds like there is a lot of long-simmering hatred down there (not just this issue).
I consider myself to be to be a “small c conservative”. Please, never call me a Republican; I would probably take offence. America, put the bi-partisan bickering aside and do everything possible to keep your parks and protected areas. People from around the world visit your country to see these places. Without seeing them personally, they have intrinsic value to folks like me.
OK, I am stepping down from my soapbox. Thank you Wildfire Today for providing another venue to raise awareness.
It would be helpful if you had a share button for FB
Patrice, take another look at the bottom of each article. There should be a Share button.
a heinous crime to eliminate a NM established by a former President. These lands are viewed as sacred, and should be preserved! What’s next, steam well drilling in Yellowstone NP!!??