Above: A satellite detected smoke from 5 fires in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico on June 14, 2017. The red dots on the map represent heat. The acreages shown were reported within the last 48 hours.
Five wildfires burning in the Gila National Forest in southwest New Mexico are all being managed using a strategy of less than full suppression.
For example, the Round Fire is listed like this:
- Confine (25%)
- Full Suppression (25%)
- Monitor (25%)
- Point Zone Protection (25%)
There are a total of eight large wildfires in New Mexico that are uncontained and are being managed with a less than full suppression strategy. Arizona has 12 large uncontained fires, and 6 are being fully suppressed.
The Southwest Geographic area is in Preparedness Level 4 (5 is the highest possible). The National PL is 2.