A volunteer firefighter from the eastern New Mexico town of Nara Vista died Thursday after suffering severe burns on a large wildfire in Quay County (map). A second firefighter was injured but has been released from the hospital.
Below is an excerpt from an article at the Eastern New Mexico News:
John Cammack, 74, of Nara Visa, was severely burned after falling from a fire engine during a “burn over” Wednesday night, said Nara Visa Fire Chief Gary Girard.
Girard said a second firefighter, Kyle Perez, was also injured during the incident.
He said the firefighters were attempting to refill a fire engine with a water tanker when the winds shifted abruptly.
“We were no longer fighting the fire, we were running from the fire,” Girard said.
Girard said the flames were as high as the fire engine as they fled the area. He said Cammack was transported to Lubbock for treatment and Perez was admitted to a hospital in Amarillo.
Perez’ condition was not released, but a family member posted on social media that he’d been released from the hospital.
Thanks and a tip of the hat go out to Willard.
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Howdy Bill
I was doing some checking on this fire that Nara Visa Fire Department, NM was involved in, during which two firefighters were injured on 6/21/2017. I thought NIOSH was doing an investigation and I checked on their website but there is nothing posted or pending. I sent NIOSH an email today and asked them if they were conducting an investigation. I don’t know if you have had any updates on this topic. I will let you know what I find out. I am not sure how accurate any of my information is.
This news makes me feel empty inside. My brother, we may have never met but when it is my time we will shake hands and hug. We have fought for the same reasons of effort, dedication, and honor. Prayers and love out to you brother & your family.
U.S. Forestry Helitack 1993-94
Retired BC 2015 GFD. 22yrs.
Sounds like it’s very similar to the Point Fire fatalities in Idaho in 1995?