Above: satellite photo of fires in Northwest California and Southern Oregon, August 17, 2017.
(Originally published at 11:30 a.m. MDT August 18, 2017)
Wildfires in Northwest California and Southern Oregon were very active on Thursday. Three of the largest fires on the Klamath National Forest in California are the Salmon August Complex (4,418 acres), Eclipse Complex (17,501), and Clear Fire (6,701).
The Ruth and Orleans Complexes on the Six Rivers NF have burned 4,617 and 6,943 acres respectively.
Oregon and Washington have a total of 24 large fires; 15 are being suppressed and 9 are being managed with less than full suppression strategies. Some of the more active fires in Southern Oregon on Thursday were: Chetco Bar (8,500 acres), Miller (4,668), Jones (2,703), Milli (4,565), Umpqua North (3,414), and High Cascades (10,460).
My son, Paul stump. Left this. A.m. to go up North. To fight. The. Fires Alan stump. 9/17/2017