Kim Kelly has been selected as one of the recipients for the 2018 Paul Gleason Lead by Example Award. Ms. Kelly is a Fire Ecologist with the NW Regional Office of the Bureau of Land Management.
The award was created by the NWCG Leadership Committee to remember Paul Gleason’s contributions to the wildland fire service. During a career spanning five decades, Mr. Gleason was a dedicated student of fire, a teacher of fire, and a leader of firefighters. The intent of the award is to recognize individuals or groups who exhibit this same spirit and who exemplify the wildland fire leadership values and principles. Ms. Kelly’s work in support of the Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program has been a demonstration of motivation and vision.
Ms. Kelly was recognized for her strong leadership and unwavering pursuit to improve the health and safety of Native American employees, especially Tribal employees. Her efforts to bring Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs coverage to Tribal employees outside the scope of suppression is commendable and recognized by her peers through this award. Additionally, she was commended for her professionalism and compassion given to individuals and families working through the administrative functions of health care.
The award was also presented to two other individuals and one group for 2018: Kim Lightley, Pete Barry, and the BLM Boise Helitack Crew.
Winners of the award prior to 2018.