Canadian wildfire smoke decreasing in United States

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wildfire smoke map north america
The distribution of wildfire smoke at 8:11 a.m. MDT June 2, 2019. NOAA, Office of Satellite And Product Operations.

Smoke from wildfires in Alberta is still detectable across most of the Eastern United States today, but the Canadian government’s smoke forecast expects a significant decrease throughout the lower 48 states on Monday.

Cooler weather along with a slight chance of showers off and on in Alberta over the last several days has slowed the progress of the wildfires, including the 230,000-hectare (568,000-acre) Chuckegg Creek Fire at the town of High Level. Those conditions are expected to continue during this week, so it appears that U.S. residents will get a respite from polluted air that at times has been very unpleasant in the Northwest, especially along the Canadian border in Montana and Idaho.

The map above represents conditions today, Sunday June 2. The map below is the Canadian government’s forecast for smoke tomorrow, June 3. The Canadian system does not predict smoke conditions in the south half of the U.S. (outside of the box with the black lines).

wildfire smoke map north america
The smoke forecast for Monday at 5 a.m. MDT June 3, produced by the Canadian government.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

2 thoughts on “Canadian wildfire smoke decreasing in United States”

  1. We need to stop the controlled burns, let the forest floor take care of itself. The build up of mulch holds moisture so when a lightening strike occurs it will eventually put itself out without other means. It also will just burn around the tree’s base,instead of the whole tree. And use vinegar and water to pour into and onto trees for insect and a natural control. And we need to stop clear cutting the trees.We are destroying our shade, oxygen source and ground stabilization, wildlife habitat,among other reasons.

  2. We must stop using chemicals to fight wildfires. Natural is always best for every situation. I’m a rainmaker living here in Oregon. I’m doing a continued series of raindances to try to alleviate the huge need for moisture and adequate ozone protection to the environment.We should all go organic and natural for everything to ensure a future for everything and everyone.God bless our beautiful world!


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