A wildfire in Canada’s Northwest Territories arctic has burned about 45,000 hectares (112,000 acres) according to the last size estimate by the Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources agency. Our very unofficial estimate based on satellite data collected Thursday morning showed that it has increased to approximately 60,000 hectares (150,000 acres).
The fire is burning along the Mackenzie River about 47 miles (77 kilometers) east of Tsiigehtchiceast. Presently there is no threat to that community, officials said. (see map above)
This is happening north of the Arctic Circle, at 67.3 north latitude. The Arctic Circle, which defines the southern boundary of the Arctic, is at 66.5 north latitude. Alaska has also had fires this summer in the Arctic and Russia has had many in the extreme northern latitudes.
According to NPR President Trump discussed the fire situation in Russia with Vladimir Putin:
President Trump spoke with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday and offered U.S. help in fighting widespread forest fires raging in parts of Siberia, according to a Kremlin account of the call.
Putin, in response, expressed his “sincere gratitude” to Trump and said that if necessary, he will accept the offer, the Kremlin said on its website.
How did Bill make this a political statement? He simply presented a fact. Trump offered help to Russia. Okay good for him How in the world did that morph into a media bias? You talk about Canada using all it’s aircraft before asking for help from the US. Gee I don’t know how many times here in So Cal (where I was a firefighter for 30 years) we couldn’t get military aircraft to assist in our wildfires (even though they were stationed here at Point Mugu). until all the available private aircraft were used That includes aircraft from other countries. Talk about socialist ideas. Or should I say free enterprise? If anything I have to wonder if Trump proceeded to tell Putin that if he’d only rake his forests and not allow snow melt to run off into the ocean none of this would be happening. You know like he did here in California
Of course what the topic of conversation should really be about is the fact that fires of this size are burning ABOVE the Arctic Circle. But then we’d have to talk about global warming and that would led us full circle back to it’s all a conspiracy.
I would’ve thought Bill, as President Trump offered assistance to Putin, he could’ve as well offered assistance to Canada was my immediate thought. Even though both fires are in remote areas of both countries, not threatening communities, yet, an offer would be as well received.
United States firefighters have been assisting Canada with wildfires for much of the summer this year.
I agree, Hot Shot crews were sent to Canada this summer.
It’s called click bait Bill,
You know darn well that anytime you post anything to do with Trump it generates comments. NO? Good for the ad revenue.
And yes, as James mentioned, your headline is about a fire above the Arctic Circle, that has nothing to do with Trump. You morphed the story to include Siberia and Putin and Trump.
The tweet is comprised of both the main headline and the sub-headline above the article. If this offends anyone, sorry-not-sorry.
Rosie, I think it does have something to do with Trump, and fire fighting. Trump could’ve offered assistance to Canada (even tho we’ve had Hot Shot crews there this summer, not at his suggestion or offer) in the same way publicly he did to Russia.
Rosie – I’ve been following Bill Gabbert for more than 10 years. He really doesn’t rely on or need to use click bait. One of the few blogs that doesn’t. He reports, with hat tips from all over – on what’s going on currently in the fire world.
How can it have nothing to do with Trump, if Trump extended an offer to help Russia. Talk about snowflakes…
Trump fiddles (with Putin) while Home burns.
How did a wildfire in Canada morph into a tweet about Trump? I know, media bias. I know for a fact, yes a fact, that Canada does not use American firefighting airplanes on its soil unless all other Canadian assests are used. I’ve actually written to Trump due to the fact Canadian air tankers are used and ON CONTRACT in the USA. Most people don’t know that. But when American companies are trying to survive, we can’t work in Canada because of their socialist ideals.
The article is about fires in the arctic in Canada, Alaska, and Russia. Trump offered Russia help with their fires. What’s the problem?
James, there are Canadian Air Tankers that are used in Alaska every year, when our resources are thin. You’re making a political statement that is not correct. U.S. Air tankers are indeed sent to Canada, upon request, just as Canadian air tankers are sent anywhere in the U.S., upon request.
Contract air tankers, not Govt air tankers go all around the world upon request, Spain, South America, Italy, Greece, etc. Your statement that American companies are having a difficult time trying to survive, is not founded in fact.