Above: The west side of the Decker Fire, October 5, 2019. InciWeb.
11:44 a.m. MDT October 6, 2019
Even though the Decker Fire south of Salida, Colorado is not a full suppression fire, quite a bit of fireline has been constructed on the perimeter. However, Mark Giacoletto’s Type 1 Incident Management Team reports that only 5 percent of the fire is contained.
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Decker Fire, including the most recent, click here.)
Most of the recent fire activity has occurred on the west side (see map below). Over the last two days the fire has grown by 331 acres, bringing the total to 6,155 acres.
The photo at the top of the article shows that portions of the fire on the west side are creeping into stands of Aspen, which can slow the spread considerably.

Residents may see more smoke in the area Monday as fire managers burn out some areas on the east side. The objective is to remove fuel and slow the spread of the main fire. The aerial ignition operation will be conducted from a helicopter.
Resources assigned to the fire include: 23 hand crews, 28 engines, 3 dozers, 6 helicopters, 3 fixed wing aircraft, and 10 water tenders for a total of 806 personnel.
There is now an interactive map available for the Decker Fire at https://arcg.is/1zPGWH. It will allow you to enter your address to see your location relative to the fire, it provides a measuring tool to measure distance, and can give hunters information related to forest closures. The fire perimeter on the map will be updated once a day.