Wildfire burning south of San Francisco on San Bruno Mtn.

Fire Brisbane, California
Fire on a steep slope above Brisbane, California south of San Francisco. Screenshot from ABC7 video.

A wildfire that started around 11 a.m. has burned approximately 10 acres on a steep north-facing  slope near Brisbane, California south of San Francisco. It is burning under high-voltage power lines, but there is no official  word on the cause.

The area  is  not in a PG&E preemptive power shutoff area.

Fire Brisbane, California
Fire on a steep slope above Brisbane, California south of San Francisco. Screenshot from ABC7 video.

ABC7 occasionally has live video.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

4 thoughts on “Wildfire burning south of San Francisco on San Bruno Mtn.”

  1. So I as a former wild land fire investigator look at the picture of the fire under the towers along with direction of spread and say, It was started by the power lines. It seems to have that classic burn pattern. But then I should get in there and follow the burn patterns left behind, get the time of initial discovery, find the point of origin and spend a lot of time looking for details and then ask lots of questions of witnesses and look for other clues like vehicle access and just so many things. Patience, looking at every detail, slowly and carefully eliminating causes but always keeping an open mind for the unusual. CA has got some very good fire investigators, let them make the cause determination.

  2. Not that the timing was right for a fire, but San Bruno has been in need of a good burn for a long time. There are 4 endangered butterflies that live on the mountain that rely on coastal prairie habitat, but the habitat has been slowly taken over by coyote brush due to a century of fire suppression. Smoke conflicts with the surrounding human population have gotten in the way of using fire for resource benefits. It will be interesting to see if the butterfly habitat responds positively to the fire effects or if weeds take over.

  3. well…maybe “NOTHING HAPPENED” ***BECAUSE*** they turned it off.
    Prevention WORKS. #derp

  4. Wow!! Great job with this preempted shut off!! Sure did help in preventing those fires…NOT!!!! Supports my theory that the power companies are showing how much power they have over us!! And our GOVERNOR Newsom doing NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!


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