(Originally published at 11:40 a.m. MDT May 22, 2020)
The Cherry Canyon Fire that was reported May 20 grew rapidly Thursday and has now burned 7,390 acres. The fire is in southeast Colorado 9 miles northwest of Kim and 58 miles east-northeast of Trinidad.
(To see all articles on Wildfire Today about the Cherry Canyon Fire, including the most recent, click here)
From the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control Friday morning:
Yesterday was the first shift for our folks on the #CherryCanyonFire near Kim, CO. The fire made an impressive 6000+ acre push yesterday due to sustained winds of around 40mph.
On Thursday it was burning in chaparral and short grass exhibiting extreme fire behavior with crowning, torching, and spotting. According to Friday morning’s Situation Report the firefighting resources assigned include 2 hand crews and 10 engines for a total of 61 personnel.
The area is under a Red Flag Warning Friday from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m. for 10 to 20 mph winds gusting to 35 mph, with relative humidity as low as 7 percent. A Fire Weather Watch is in effect Saturday afternoon and evening for similar conditions.

Kinda funny how, just like that, we’re back to normal and ALLLL those months of Covid planning/prep went right out the window as soon as there was smoke in the air. Poof!!! ☺️
It’s a perfect prescription for Piñon Juniper woodlands. Get out of its way and let it rip. Famous FS fire behavior analyst John Perovich prescribed exactly these conditions from his office in Albuquerque’s R3 headquarters in 1975 or so.
No don’t let it burn, the Wild Animal Refuge is down there right it it’s path!!!