US Congressman asks if the US Forest Service can modify the orbits of the Earth or moon

Rep. Louie Gohmert
Rep. Louie Gohmert. Still image from video of the July 8 hearing.

A member of the United States House of Representatives elected by the people of Texas had an unusual question for an employee of the US Forest Service Tuesday.  Jennifer Eberlein, the Associate Deputy Chief for the National Forest System in Washington, was testifying during a live streamed broadcast of a hearing before the House Natural Resources subcommittee on national parks, forests and public lands.

Rep. Louie Gohmert asked her a question. The topic at the time was climate change.

“I understand from what’s been testified to the Forest Service and the BLM you want very much to work on the issue of climate change,” Rep. Gohmert said. “I was informed by the immediate past director of NASA that they found that the moon’s orbit is changing slightly and so is the Earth’s orbit around the sun,” he continued. “And we know there’s been significant solar flare activity. And so is there anything that the National Forest Service or BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit or the Earth’s orbit around the sun? Obviously, that would have profound effects on our climate.”

After a pause, Ms. Eberlien replied. “I would have to follow up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert,” she said with a smile.

“Yeah, well, if you figure out a way that you in the Forest Service can make that change,” Rep. Gohmert said, “I’d like to know.”

After word got around about the unusual question, Rep. Gohmert tweeted about it. But he only wanted to clarify that he was referring to the Bureau of Land Management, not Black Lives Matter, and to make an accusation of “fake news” when someone quoted him correctly.

Astrophysicist Katie Mack weighed in:

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

15 thoughts on “US Congressman asks if the US Forest Service can modify the orbits of the Earth or moon”

  1. This reminds me of when Rep Hank Johnson asked if basing 8000 more Marines on Guam would cause the island to tip over.

  2. If in fact he was being sarcastic which I don’t believe is the case, then why do we elect these people who put forth comments like this to fill the air with dribble? This has no place in a serious conversation. Next I’ll be told that Ms. Greene’s comment about Jewish Space lasers setting fires in California was sarcastic.

  3. What the? Is this real? I can’t believe this!!!
    But I have to say, reading y’all’s comments made my day!
    Bless his heart! 🙂

  4. The only thing more disturbing than his question at the hearing was Leadership’s (and I use the word lightly) response, which was to humor him by replying “I’d have to check on that Congressman.”

    1. Why we keep entertaining these idiots by continuing to allow them a platform is beyond me. They are dangerous.

  5. I might need to reconsider what I say during briefings sometime: “…there are no stupid questions.”
    Yes, there really are!!!

  6. Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life on this planet. I wonder if this guy believes that Jewish space lasers are starting forest fires…


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