Smoke forecast July 11, 2021

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smoke at 5 p.m. MDT July 11, 2021
Vertically integrated smoke at 5 p.m. MDT July 11, 2021.

This is the forecast for vertically integrated wildfire smoke at 5 p.m. MDT July 11, 2021.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

4 thoughts on “Smoke forecast July 11, 2021”

  1. Thanks Bill G. For your excellent reporting and graphic capabilities. It is becoming a daily part of my reading .

  2. Bill – As always, you are the “King of Maps”!

    I appreciate the smoke reports, the fire updates with boundary maps, the satellite images of fire and smoke, and the current fires vs historic fires adjacent to them.

    I am in western Montana and currently getting heavy smoke from the Dixie-Jumbo fires, the complexes near Lewiston, plus multiple unnamed fires in the Selway, Lochsa and Clearwater drainages.

    If you ever had time to create it, I would love to see a map which outlines the history of fires during the past 20-30 years in the Bitterroot-Selway and Frank Church Wilderness areas, and the surrounding National Forests. How much can possibly be left to burn there?

    In 2012, my photographer husband was visiting the Salmon Mountain Lookout on the day the Mustang Fire started and heard the (volunteer) lookout call it in. That fire turned into the Mustang complex and claimed approx. 250,000 acres … which at the time, seemed like a “mega-fire.” But not any longer! Fires on the national news today describe fires in terms of square miles.

    Thanks for your careful work! Natalie Riehl, Hamilton, MT


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