High school student’s documentary about wildland fire

Linnea Gebauer
Linnea Gebauer. Still image from her documentary about wildland fire.

High school student, Linnea Gebauer submitted a video for the national C-SPAN StudentCam competition. The prompt from C-SPAN was, “How does the federal government impact your life?” She chose to talk about wildland fire.

Having created and edited videos, to me it is obvious that Linnea put a great deal of time and effort into research, planning, interviewing subject matter experts, and editing the dozens of clips into the finished product. Excellent job, Linnea!

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual national video documentary competition that encourages students to think critically about issues that affect our communities and our nation.

This year the competition was open to students in grades 6-12. The submission deadline was Thursday, January 20, 2022. With cash prizes totaling $100,000 each year, C-SPAN awards prizes to the top 150 student documentaries and teachers that are identified as advisors.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.

16 thoughts on “High school student’s documentary about wildland fire”

  1. After transferring from the Riverside Fire Lab. to the Bly RD, Fremont NF in 1976 and reintroducing prescribed understory burning to the NW I stayed on the Fremont until retiring in 1994. I was responsible for fire mgmt. on the area of the “Bootleg” fire and want to complement Linnea on the fantastic job she has done!
    Please continue to support the natural environment and true management of fire on all lands.

  2. Fantastic Job! She certainly did her research and her presentation was outstanding, if we are lucky she will pursue a career in fire management.

    I would like to see this video receive wide distribution or at the very least get the word out, this would be very beneficial for all Americans to see, particularly th0se living in the interface….it’s easy to follow and it makes sense.. Again Well Done!…….

  3. Amazing job! Distilled the quagmire to easy to digest pieces for the lay public.
    You have a future in producing great videos…

  4. Extremely well done ! Congratulations, you are THE winner in my Book !!!!!

    Having been a member of WFLC, (Wildland Fire Leadership Council ) my only comment would be my wish that the USFS would adhere to the third leg of the adopted Strategy.

  5. Thanks to Bill for bringing this excellent video to us. Linnea has done an outstanding job offering a comprehensive analysis of the situation from the perspective of a community member whose future is directly impacted. The solutions provided gives viewers hope for the future, knowing young people like her are engaged in finding common ground that meet the interests of the entire community on many levels.

  6. I agree. The tone makes the material approachable. Neither terrorizing or minimizing the risk. Excellent visuals!


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