4 thoughts on “Grassroots Wildland Firefighters update”

  1. Why is Response Premium pay tied only to fires that extend beyond 36 hours? That seems like it could be counter productive. Anybody remember the term “Guernsey Fires”? More importantly, wildland firefighting is demanding from the minute we engage. Premium pay should start the minute you roll out.

  2. Wishing good luck to all in getting this much needed pay and benefits bill passed to aid in recruitment and retainment of wildland firefighters. One thing: pay for the successful containment of an initial response incident within 36 hours should not be “excluded” but rather “included” and in fact should be rewarded with additional bonus pay.

  3. The fed pay is terrible.
    Time to get paid like Cal Fire for like work
    Good luck!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your work on this. It is too late for me, but it is critically important for today’s wildland firefighting force.


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