Welcome Coaxsher

Coaxsher’s FS-1 Spotter wildland fire pack

We would like to welcome a new supporter to Wildfire Today, Coaxsher, a manufacturer of packs and other gear for wildland firefighters and search and rescue teams. Their web site describes a little of their history: Coaxsher’s FS-1 Spotter wildland fire pack

The beginning started with needle and thread, a passion for gear, and one man. Long nights and sore fingertips somehow managed to create a backpack. As more gear was made by hand and eventually machine over a period of 2 years, the time came when a brother came aboard and Coaxsher, Inc. was formed in early February of 2001.

The two brothers, one a past wildland firefighter and the other an avid diver joined together their passion for gear and laid out their ideas on a Coaxsher™ future. Coaxsher™ gear is now sold worldwide while precision machines and personal craftsmanship bring our new designs and ideas to life.

This is no fly-by-night company. In fact, in 2008 after testing wildland fire packs from ten different manufacturers, Coaxsher was selected by Australia’s Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) to provide 800 custom-made fire utility packs to help the agency improve safety for wildland firefighters.

Welcome Coaxsher!

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