Rock started fire

In the weird-ways-to-start-a-fire department, the 800-acre Lighthouse Fire last month was caused by two boulders. According to Utah state fire investigators, the fire started July 18 when a boulder fell 800 feet from a cliff face, bounced several times, then collided with a larger boulder and came to “an instantaneous stop.” Jason Curry, spokesman for the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, told the Deseret News that it’s a rare incident.

The boulder was about the size of a refrigerator, and it smacked a boulder the size of a sport utility vehicle. Curry said the pressure friction generated heat, which set off the fire in dry grass and brush.

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3 thoughts on “Rock started fire”

  1. Yeah, Bogie… a fire piston can sure start a fire.
    Here’s the proof:

    But remember… the smaller boulder came to “an ‘instantaneous’ stop.”

    Which, in terms of actual time, would be roughly 5.4×10 to the minus 43 seconds, commonly known as 1 ‘Planck Time’.

    Dang… the fire piston effect needs a little more time… (-:

    OK, I’ll work on the acres to square miles conversion problem ‘awhile’.

    Carry on… lol



  2. Thanks for the interesting report. As a wildland arson investigator over the years I found some unusual fire starts but this one is a rare, but it could happen cause. Good job by the investigators.


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