Almost 500 federal firefighters, other employees, and contractors are assisting with COVID vaccinations

Working in 15 states

Vaccinations at the Oakland Coliseum
About 50 US Forest Service specially-trained professionals are processing and vaccinating personnel at the Oakland Coliseum Mass COVID Vaccination Site using 6 different lanes of one-of-three drive-through giant canopies. Close to 6,000 people per day receive the vaccine. USFS photo.

At least 491 federal firefighters, other federal employees, and contractors are assisting with COVID vaccinations around the United States after being mobilized through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Emergency Support Function #4.

The U.S. Forest Service is the lead agency responsible for coordinating ESF #4, which is primarily fire suppression.

As of March 9 the FS, working with their partner land management agencies, has organized the mobilization of personnel and equipment to assist in the administration of the vaccinations in approximately 60 sites in 15 states — New York, Maryland, West Virginia, Tennessee, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, California, Nevada, Washington, Rhode Island, Illinois, Michigan, Idaho, and New Jersey. Other sites in more states are in the planning stages.

Vaccinations at the Oakland Coliseum
About 50 US Forest Service specially-trained professionals are processing and vaccinating personnel at the Oakland Coliseum Mass COVID Vaccination Site using 6 different lanes of one-of-three drive-through giant canopies. Close to 6,000 people, per day receive the vaccine. USFS photo.

491 personnel are assigned through ESF #4:

  • U.S. Forest Service, 210
  • Bureau of Land Management, 16
  • National Park Service, 26
  • Fish and Wildlife Service, 2
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs, 3
  • State or local government, 94
  • Contract personnel, 140

Three incident management teams have been activated — a Type 1, Type 2, and a Type 3 team, according to information sent out from the FS.

vaccinations Oakland Coliseum
More than 8,100 vaccinations were administered at Oakland Coliseum March 6, 2021. CAL OES photo.

In addition, 24 radio kits more commonly seen on wildland fires are being used in New Jersey and New York.

ESF4_SitReport_03092021 by wildfiretoday on Scribd

Thanks and a tip of the hat go out to Jim.

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Author: Bill Gabbert

After working full time in wildland fire for 33 years, he continues to learn, and strives to be a Student of Fire.